Summer Vacation Care Packages for the homeless

(Great idea from SOME.  Either drop them off or keep a few in your car.)  To assemble a summer vacation care package for the homeless, please fill a clear 1 gallon Ziplock bag with the following items:

    1 baseball cap or visor
    1 reusable water bottle or bottled water
    1 pair of sunglasses
    1 bar of soap
    1 stick of deodorant
    1 toothbrush
    1 travel size bottle of lotion
    1 travel size bottle of sunscreen
    1 razor
    1 travel size shaving cream/gel
    For women, 3 tampons or pads

Finally, customize your bag with a vacation destination postcard and label your package either 'Man' or 'Woman'

Please do not include the following items:
    Food or candy

SOME will be accepting summer vacation care packages from June 1st to August 1st. Donations can be dropped off at 71 "O" Street NW.  SOME is open Monday-Friday 7:30am-4pm, and from 7am-2pm on the weekends.

For large donations of care packages, it may be possible to arrange a pick-up with SOME's Donations Truck. To arrange a pick-up, contact Greg Chudy, Donations Coordinator at (202) 797-8806 ext. 2104 or