The last 12 hours have perfectly crystallized the failure of Obama's decision to gamble taxpayer money on bailouts for the wind and solar corporate executive who are funding his campaign.
Speaking last night on the first anniversary of the Solyndra bankruptcy, Obama offered more of the same failed policies, demanding more taxpayer cash to bail out the failing wind and solar companies that are pumping their taxpayer-provided profits into his campaign.
Obama praised the decline in foreign oil imports since he was inaugurated, but failed to point out it was only because the Obama recession has eviscerated demand for energy. Under Obama's oppressive regulatory regime, hydrocarbon development on federal lands has plunged. While development on private lands is growing thanks to the clean, safe, 60-year-old technology of hydraulic fracturing, Obama has vowed to target "fracking" for eradication if re-elected, killing what little economic growth we have seen under his presidency.
Obama also failed to voice support for the Keystone jobs pipeline, a project supported by the vast majority of Americans. American Tradition Partnership delivered 150,000 signatures to Obama's State Department last month in support of the project, but Obama has chosen a path that kills American jobs and benefits Communist China.
And this morning we receive news that for the 43rd straight month of Obama's 43-month presidency, our United States have failed to create enough jobs to restore American prosperity. This is a direct result of Obama's virulent demonization of capitalism and his reckless EPA's use of regulatory declarations to lash out at and attack American employers. Job creators will not invest in a nation where the head of state attacks employment activity and uses his unilateral power to invent law on his own to enact needless and punitive regulations intended to fulfill a radical leftist agenda.
American Tradition Partnership has a better idea and a better plan.
Remove taxpayer bailout for failing wind and solar corporations and have them compete on the same terms as traditional, proven energy sources.
Allow Americans, and job creators, access to affordable, reliable energy by repealing Expensive Energy Mandates requiring utilities to purchase more expensive, but politically-connected, wind and solar experimental energy.
Allow the development of hydrocarbon and other resources on federal lands, and stop the anti-science, anti-progress attacks on safe, clean hydraulic fracturing that had states like North Dakota and Texas creating jobs while other states plunge into recession.
And, working with Senator Rand Paul, pass the REINS Act, which requires any major federal regulation costing more than $100 million to be approved by Congress before it may be enacted -- stopping the dangerous practice of radical politicians and unaccountable bureaucrats using the power of regulatory fiat to enact laws that could not pass in an elected, democratic body because they are too dangerous and destructive to our nation. Laws should be made by elected lawmakers, not political activists with a government employee badge.
Barack Obama's radical leftist assault on our energy economy has left behind a damaged and broken nation. America cannot create jobs and families struggle to pay the utility bills while Obama's cronies in corporations like Solyndra pocket billions of taxpayer dollars.
Economic peace and prosperity will not come until we end Obama's war on the United States must end and we stop Gang Green's hostile occupation of our lawmaking bodies. American Tradition Partnership is leading that fight, and we will win.