See Gang Green get 'Axed'

You can help expose the radical agenda of Gang Green with just one click.

Filmmaker J.D. King is currently working on "Axed,"  a documentary detailing how, in the name of "being green," our liberties, our private property rights, and our standards of living are constantly being chopped at and splintered away.

This could be a very powerful weapon as we turn the tide of public opinion against Gang Green's central planners.

King will document stories of individual Americans and natural resource based companies who are being sacrificed on a green altar. We also plan to meet with historians and experts on the subject.

As you can imagine Hollywood isn't too happy about "Axed," so no studio will fund it.

But we are.

I need you to go here and chip in as little as $5 to help King get "Axed" produced.

You may give more if you like, and I strongly recommend it.

ATP has no association or relationship with J.D. King or "Axed."  I just want to see Gang Green exposed for millions to see.

Do it now.  King only has three more days to get the film funded.

So go here to chip in $5 or more.


Donald Ferguson
Executive Director
American Tradition Partnership

Obama spent $29 million digging 'just a big hole in the ground'

In a mad rush to churn out "shovel ready" projects for his "stimulus" bill before voters decided on his re-election, President Barack Obama spent $29 million building an Alaskan port that was missing something simple.

Electricity, running water and a road allowing people to reach it.

For $29 million dollars the American people got "mostly just a big hole in the ground, local radio station KUCB reports.

Usually the federal government will not fund port construction if there is no infrastructure to support the port, the Army Corps of Engineers tells KUCB.

“Yes. It’s not normal. And it has prevented the construction of harbors in the past, when that supporting infrastructure is not there," says Steve Boardman, head of the Corps’ civil projects division.

Building a road to reach the port won't happen for at least another two years, and that will come at a cost of $11 million per mile.  So far no one is willing to offer any money to build a road to reach "Port Obama."

Even if "Port Obama" is ever connected to a road, or to electricity, or to running water, there's no guarantee anyone will even want to use it.  The harbor will have 58 slips.  But locals only own five boats.

Originally posted at the Libertarian National Campaign Committee.