Obama campaign pockets cash from taxpayer-funded Solyndra bosses
"Steve Westly, a financier whose money-raising prowess helped to snag him a post on the administration’s energy advisory board, and Matt Rogers, a former Energy Department
senior adviser who helped to approve the Solyndra loan, were spotted by
reporters at the $35,800-per-person fundraiser for the president’s
re-election campaign," The Washington Times reports this morning.
"Mr. Westly sent warnings to the president not to attend an event at Solyndra's headquarters in the Bay area because of shaky finances at the solar energy company, which had received a fast-tracked $535 million federal loan guarantee in 2010 as part of the administration’s economic stimulus program. Mr. Rogers was partly responsible for overseeing stimulus awards at the Energy Department.
"They were among about 60 wealthy donors who attended the fundraiser at the swanky home of progressive activist Quinn Delaney and real estate developer Wayne Jordan, a big Obama bundler, in Piedmont, Calif., near Oakland."
Obama promised the rent-seekers "his re-election would ensure that the government promotes 'smart regulations … that are going to deal with issues like climate change.'"
And that's how Green Crony Capitalism works. "Green" speculators, knowing their product is a sham, bankroll the election of candidates who will ensure profits with taxpayer-funded bailouts. Their candidate wins, the candidate votes to shovel taxpayer money into their pockets and then the "green" speculator declares bankruptcy and splits the loot between himself and the "green" politician, which is used to elect even more of them.
It's a vicious cycle of taxpayer money being laundered through "green" companies to finance the election of leftists who will vote to launder more money. And Obama's running the laundromat.
The only way to break it is to stop taxpayer financing of the "green" energy proven failure.
Blogged at American Tradition Partnership.
"Mr. Westly sent warnings to the president not to attend an event at Solyndra's headquarters in the Bay area because of shaky finances at the solar energy company, which had received a fast-tracked $535 million federal loan guarantee in 2010 as part of the administration’s economic stimulus program. Mr. Rogers was partly responsible for overseeing stimulus awards at the Energy Department.
"They were among about 60 wealthy donors who attended the fundraiser at the swanky home of progressive activist Quinn Delaney and real estate developer Wayne Jordan, a big Obama bundler, in Piedmont, Calif., near Oakland."
Obama promised the rent-seekers "his re-election would ensure that the government promotes 'smart regulations … that are going to deal with issues like climate change.'"
And that's how Green Crony Capitalism works. "Green" speculators, knowing their product is a sham, bankroll the election of candidates who will ensure profits with taxpayer-funded bailouts. Their candidate wins, the candidate votes to shovel taxpayer money into their pockets and then the "green" speculator declares bankruptcy and splits the loot between himself and the "green" politician, which is used to elect even more of them.
It's a vicious cycle of taxpayer money being laundered through "green" companies to finance the election of leftists who will vote to launder more money. And Obama's running the laundromat.
The only way to break it is to stop taxpayer financing of the "green" energy proven failure.
Blogged at American Tradition Partnership.
Obama’s ‘you didn’t build that’ snarl mirrors socialist beliefs
“In a campaign stump speech in
Roanoke, Virginia last Friday, President Obama clearly revealed that he
believes individual success in this country is largely driven by luck
and other people, rather than hard work, ingenuity, or productivity.
(The speech is similar to a 2011 speech by Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, condemning individualism.),” Reason‘s Emily Elkins writes.
“Obama’s claim is in stark contrast with what most of the public thinks. Since polls first began asking about this, upwards of 60 percent of Americans believe hard work matters more than lucky breaks, inheritance, or connections in determining success and wealth.”
But Obama’s attack on individualism goes even further.
“It is notable that Obama’s dismissal of the idea of hard work leading to success goes beyond Warren’s commentary, which made the less controversial point that successful business people make use of publicly funded infrastructure. The president on the other hand stated, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Presuming this was not a verbal flub (and Obama spokeswoman Lis Smith indicates it was not), Obama’s belief is a radical departure from popular notions about the relationship between individual initiative and success,” Elkins writes.
Obama’s view of individual success differs from the American view, but is perfectly in line with that of socialist countries.
“63 percent of Americans believe that hard work usually brings a better life compared to 37 percent of the French, 45 percent of the Dutch, and 46 percent of Norwegians. Only 14 percent of Americans primarily believe that success is more a matter of luck and connections, compared to a third of the French, Dutch, and Norwegians,” Elkins writes.
Blogged at the LNCC.
“Obama’s claim is in stark contrast with what most of the public thinks. Since polls first began asking about this, upwards of 60 percent of Americans believe hard work matters more than lucky breaks, inheritance, or connections in determining success and wealth.”
But Obama’s attack on individualism goes even further.
“It is notable that Obama’s dismissal of the idea of hard work leading to success goes beyond Warren’s commentary, which made the less controversial point that successful business people make use of publicly funded infrastructure. The president on the other hand stated, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Presuming this was not a verbal flub (and Obama spokeswoman Lis Smith indicates it was not), Obama’s belief is a radical departure from popular notions about the relationship between individual initiative and success,” Elkins writes.
Obama’s view of individual success differs from the American view, but is perfectly in line with that of socialist countries.
“63 percent of Americans believe that hard work usually brings a better life compared to 37 percent of the French, 45 percent of the Dutch, and 46 percent of Norwegians. Only 14 percent of Americans primarily believe that success is more a matter of luck and connections, compared to a third of the French, Dutch, and Norwegians,” Elkins writes.
Blogged at the LNCC.
Ask Stephen Takach to stop the sleaze
Using what are practically p-rnobots to send out sleazy stories is beneath his dignity.
New low: Stephen Takach doctors photo of Dr. James Dobson for personal attacks
If you've seen Stephen Takach's personal attack mailings, that have a phony map falsifying the location of Congressman Steve Stockman's home, you probably noticed his photo of Stockman appears to be doctored.
It is. Takach blacked out Christian leader Dr. James Dobson so you couldn't see him visiting with Stockman, and then used the doctored photo to accuse others of deception.
Fake maps? Fake photos? Fake Twitter accounts? Where does it end?
13 year old girl schools liberal newspaper
Dear Editor,
When I received this week’s edition of the Silsbee Bee, I saw the article, “Candidates give views before runoff elections”.
First of all, anybody can clearly discern that the author of this contribution is in strong favor of Stephen Takach. It is shocking that your newspaper ever allowed such an extremely outright bias in a front-page story, when it should only have been permitted in an editorial.
However, what disturbed me to the greatest degree was the shameless slander about Steve Stockman used in lieu of facts. In the article, the author attacks Mr. Stockman on trivial personal matters, such as: the location of his house, the “re-elect” on his signs, and which parts of our district he previously represented.
Seriously, if you want to attack Congressman Stockman, can’t you find anything wrong with his positions on the issues? No, you can’t, because true Republican, conservative, Christians can’t find anything, within reason, wrong with his agenda. On the other hand, Stephen Takach has twisted policies- he thinks that government and small businesses should work together. Steve Stockman believes that government should get off the backs of small business, and I agree.
Also, on the personal matters, I will note that Mr. Stockman lives about two miles from the district lines. Was he supposed to purchase a new house and create thousands of dollars of debt, only to have the district redrawn in another two or three years? If you do a small bit of research, you’ll discover that “re-elect” is the correct term. It makes plenty of sense that if he was elected once, the second time he is elected, he is “re-elected”. And for this district: nobody has represented it in its current form. Nobody has represented the entire new district, but Mr. Stockman has represented parts of it. So, it’s obvious that complaining about how he wasn’t in congress on behalf of this district is foolish. By the way, have you ever noticed that Takach has NO political experience whatsoever? He states that his entire political career has consisted of serving on the board of a Homeowner’s Association. Also, he’s only voted in two Republican primaries. Along with Barack Hussein Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee, Mr. Takach has now been endorsed by the Houston Chronicle, and apparently the Silsbee Bee.
Congressman Stockman has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, and Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. For the pro-life cause, the National Pro-Life Alliance has endorsed him.
Takach, on the contrary, only has local borderline Republicans, RINO’s, and would-be politicians for his endorsements. Also, if he thinks he looks pro-2nd Amendment in his pictures, he must try not to lock his elbows. I’ve never shot a gun in my life and I know not to do that! He’s a pitiful political pushover, and it’s embarrassing that he actually calls himself a conservative, and that so many of our citizens are believing it.
When I received this week’s edition of the Silsbee Bee, I saw the article, “Candidates give views before runoff elections”.
First of all, anybody can clearly discern that the author of this contribution is in strong favor of Stephen Takach. It is shocking that your newspaper ever allowed such an extremely outright bias in a front-page story, when it should only have been permitted in an editorial.
However, what disturbed me to the greatest degree was the shameless slander about Steve Stockman used in lieu of facts. In the article, the author attacks Mr. Stockman on trivial personal matters, such as: the location of his house, the “re-elect” on his signs, and which parts of our district he previously represented.
Seriously, if you want to attack Congressman Stockman, can’t you find anything wrong with his positions on the issues? No, you can’t, because true Republican, conservative, Christians can’t find anything, within reason, wrong with his agenda. On the other hand, Stephen Takach has twisted policies- he thinks that government and small businesses should work together. Steve Stockman believes that government should get off the backs of small business, and I agree.
Also, on the personal matters, I will note that Mr. Stockman lives about two miles from the district lines. Was he supposed to purchase a new house and create thousands of dollars of debt, only to have the district redrawn in another two or three years? If you do a small bit of research, you’ll discover that “re-elect” is the correct term. It makes plenty of sense that if he was elected once, the second time he is elected, he is “re-elected”. And for this district: nobody has represented it in its current form. Nobody has represented the entire new district, but Mr. Stockman has represented parts of it. So, it’s obvious that complaining about how he wasn’t in congress on behalf of this district is foolish. By the way, have you ever noticed that Takach has NO political experience whatsoever? He states that his entire political career has consisted of serving on the board of a Homeowner’s Association. Also, he’s only voted in two Republican primaries. Along with Barack Hussein Obama and Sheila Jackson Lee, Mr. Takach has now been endorsed by the Houston Chronicle, and apparently the Silsbee Bee.
Congressman Stockman has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, and Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. For the pro-life cause, the National Pro-Life Alliance has endorsed him.
Takach, on the contrary, only has local borderline Republicans, RINO’s, and would-be politicians for his endorsements. Also, if he thinks he looks pro-2nd Amendment in his pictures, he must try not to lock his elbows. I’ve never shot a gun in my life and I know not to do that! He’s a pitiful political pushover, and it’s embarrassing that he actually calls himself a conservative, and that so many of our citizens are believing it.
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund Endorses Steve Stockman for Congress
Important race in Texas. Join the Steve Stockman for Congress campaign to protect the Second Amendment.
Dear Friend of the Second Amendment,
One of the most important elections in the entire country is taking place in the Lone Star State - and it's largely happening under the radar.
Former Congressman Steve Stockman is a proven, trusted and vigilant defender of the right to keep and bear arms. While serving in Congress in the mid-1990s, Rep. Stockman introduced more pro-gun legislation than any other member of Congress.
And he went toe-to-toe fighting President Clinton and certain Republican leaders in working to undo the semi-auto gun ban, the Brady Act, and other gun control laws.
In other words, Steve Stockman not only fought against bad gun bills, but he also proactively introduced legislation to repeal unconstitutional laws already on the books.
It's called leadership and guts - and Steve Stockman has them both.
Now Stockman is running in Texas' 36th Congressional District. He emerged as one of the top two vote getters in a primary last month, and is on the ballot in a July 31 runoff election. That means Steve has less than two months to get his pro-liberty, pro-Second Amendment message out to hundreds of thousands of voters, and he needs our help to get the job done.
Even if you live outside of the 36th Congressional District, you can take part in this crucial race.
First, you can visit Steve online and make a contribution by clicking here. Elections cost a lot of money, and Steve needs to stay on the air right up to the election contacting pro-gun voters.
Second, and equally important, is to volunteer some of your time to the Stockman campaign.
Whether it's delivering yard signs, passing out information, making calls - there is something that each person can contribute. If you live in or even near the 36th Congressional District, please join the Stockman team by giving of your time. Click here to sign up as a volunteer. You can also call 832-704-6900. Leave a message and someone from the campaign will get back to you as soon as they can.
If we all work together, if we all pitch in a little, it will add up to victory on July 31st. I know this is a busy election year, but when it comes to protecting the Second Amendment, no race is of greater importance than the 36th District of Texas.
So please join with GOA in support of Steve Stockman for Congress.
Tim Macy
Vice Chairman
PS - Less than six weeks. That's how much time remains for Steve Stockman to contact hundreds of thousands of voters with his pro-liberty message in his race for the 36th Congressional District of Texas.
Please support Steve with your financial contribution by clicking here.
Equally important, if you are able to donate some of your time as a volunteer to the campaign, sign up by clicking here or calling 832-704-6900.
Dear Friend of the Second Amendment,
One of the most important elections in the entire country is taking place in the Lone Star State - and it's largely happening under the radar.
Former Congressman Steve Stockman is a proven, trusted and vigilant defender of the right to keep and bear arms. While serving in Congress in the mid-1990s, Rep. Stockman introduced more pro-gun legislation than any other member of Congress.
And he went toe-to-toe fighting President Clinton and certain Republican leaders in working to undo the semi-auto gun ban, the Brady Act, and other gun control laws.
In other words, Steve Stockman not only fought against bad gun bills, but he also proactively introduced legislation to repeal unconstitutional laws already on the books.
Now Stockman is running in Texas' 36th Congressional District. He emerged as one of the top two vote getters in a primary last month, and is on the ballot in a July 31 runoff election. That means Steve has less than two months to get his pro-liberty, pro-Second Amendment message out to hundreds of thousands of voters, and he needs our help to get the job done.
Even if you live outside of the 36th Congressional District, you can take part in this crucial race.
First, you can visit Steve online and make a contribution by clicking here. Elections cost a lot of money, and Steve needs to stay on the air right up to the election contacting pro-gun voters.
Second, and equally important, is to volunteer some of your time to the Stockman campaign.
Whether it's delivering yard signs, passing out information, making calls - there is something that each person can contribute. If you live in or even near the 36th Congressional District, please join the Stockman team by giving of your time. Click here to sign up as a volunteer. You can also call 832-704-6900. Leave a message and someone from the campaign will get back to you as soon as they can.
If we all work together, if we all pitch in a little, it will add up to victory on July 31st. I know this is a busy election year, but when it comes to protecting the Second Amendment, no race is of greater importance than the 36th District of Texas.
So please join with GOA in support of Steve Stockman for Congress.
Tim Macy
Vice Chairman
PS - Less than six weeks. That's how much time remains for Steve Stockman to contact hundreds of thousands of voters with his pro-liberty message in his race for the 36th Congressional District of Texas.
Please support Steve with your financial contribution by clicking here.
Equally important, if you are able to donate some of your time as a volunteer to the campaign, sign up by clicking here or calling 832-704-6900.
YCT endorses Congressman Steve Stockman for July 31 runoff
Austin, TX — Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced July 9 its
full slate of state and federal endorsements for the 2012 primary
“Runoffs are where the grassroots can have the largest impact on the election, so it’s imperative that strong socially- and fiscally-minded conservatives get out to vote on July 31st,” said YCT State Chairman Jeff Morris. “Many of the candidates YCT endorsed in their respective primaries are now in runoffs, and we need these great conservative candidates in Austin.”
YCT is also pleased to announce that Wes Riddle (TX-25), Donna Campbell (SD-25), Tom Maynard (SBOE, District 10), Tucker Anderson (HD-12), and Steve Nguyen (HD-115) have received the organization’s endorsement for the runoff election.
The full list of candidates engaged in runoffs that have earned YCT’s endorsement are:
Senator: Ted Cruz
TX–14: Representative Randy Weber
TX–25: Wes Riddle
TX–34: Jessica Puente Bradshaw
TX–36: Congressman Steve Stockman
SD–25: Donna Campbell
HD–11: Travis Clardy
HD–12: Tucker Anderson
HD–23: Wayne Faircloth
HD–24: Dr. Greg Bonnen
HD–26: Jacquie Chaumette
HD–59: Representative Sid Miller
HD–67: Jeff Leach
HD–68: Drew Springer
HD–88: Representative Jim Landtroop
HD–91: Stephanie Klick
HD–114: Representative Bill Keffer
HD–115: Steve Nguyen
District 10: Tom Maynard
District 12: Gail Spurlock
Young Conservatives of Texas is a non-partisan organization that has promoted conservatism at universities across the Lone Star State for over three decades. The State’s most active political youth organization, YCT is composed of hundreds of members and alumni who participate in the full spectrum of politics. YCT issues the most respected ratings of the Texas legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the past 19 legislative sessions. For more information about YCT, please visit www.YCT.org.
“Runoffs are where the grassroots can have the largest impact on the election, so it’s imperative that strong socially- and fiscally-minded conservatives get out to vote on July 31st,” said YCT State Chairman Jeff Morris. “Many of the candidates YCT endorsed in their respective primaries are now in runoffs, and we need these great conservative candidates in Austin.”
YCT is also pleased to announce that Wes Riddle (TX-25), Donna Campbell (SD-25), Tom Maynard (SBOE, District 10), Tucker Anderson (HD-12), and Steve Nguyen (HD-115) have received the organization’s endorsement for the runoff election.
The full list of candidates engaged in runoffs that have earned YCT’s endorsement are:
Senator: Ted Cruz
TX–14: Representative Randy Weber
TX–25: Wes Riddle
TX–34: Jessica Puente Bradshaw
TX–36: Congressman Steve Stockman
SD–25: Donna Campbell
HD–11: Travis Clardy
HD–12: Tucker Anderson
HD–23: Wayne Faircloth
HD–24: Dr. Greg Bonnen
HD–26: Jacquie Chaumette
HD–59: Representative Sid Miller
HD–67: Jeff Leach
HD–68: Drew Springer
HD–88: Representative Jim Landtroop
HD–91: Stephanie Klick
HD–114: Representative Bill Keffer
HD–115: Steve Nguyen
District 10: Tom Maynard
District 12: Gail Spurlock
Young Conservatives of Texas is a non-partisan organization that has promoted conservatism at universities across the Lone Star State for over three decades. The State’s most active political youth organization, YCT is composed of hundreds of members and alumni who participate in the full spectrum of politics. YCT issues the most respected ratings of the Texas legislature and is the only conservative group to have done so without interruption over the past 19 legislative sessions. For more information about YCT, please visit www.YCT.org.
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