Obama sics bureaucracy on 23,000 Gulf jobs

From the Monday, Aug. 30 Wall Street Journal (Page A4)

The [Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement] has issued only three new permits to start wells in shallow water since the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig, according to the agency's website. The agency issued three to six permits a week prior to the accident, industry officials say.

Louisiana's lieutenant governor, Scott Angelle, who has participated in talks with Mr. Bromwich's agency, said the government was effectively shutting down shallow-water drilling.

"Someone is slow-walking this deal," Mr. Angelle said, referring to shallow-water permits.

The Obama administration says that there is no moratorium on shallow-water drilling...

Despite the fact shallow-water rigs have had no spills and a stellar safety record, radical green activists have targeted them -- and the jobs they provide -- for extinction. The elimination of offshore energy exploration would not only send a shattering new ripple of unemployment through an economy already broken by radical green activism, but would send gasoline prices even higher.

Under legislation sought by Western Tradition Partnership, Washington bureaucrats would no longer have the unchecked power to simply make up their own regulations.


Cross-posted at Western Tradition Partnership, http://www.westerntradition.org

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