Is Trump outperforming Romney? The numbers don't lie.

In order to win the White House, Republicans have to expand upon the votes they won in 2012. Trump won the primary by promising to expand the GOP brand and win the votes of women, minorities and independents. So how is he doing? Not well. Let's compare Romney's CNN exit polls with Trump's latest CNN poll.
Men: 52% - Romney 54% - Trump Trump +2%

Women: 44% - Romney 38% - Trump Trump -6%

Whites: 59% - Romney 55% - Trump Trump -4%

Over 65 Years Old: 56% - Romney 55% - Trump Trump -1%

College Graduates: 51% - Romney 30% - Trump Trump -21%
 Not College Graduates: 47% - Romney 53% - Trump Trump +6%
 Income Under $50K: 38% - Romney 38% - Trump Trump tied
 Income Over $50K: 53% - Romney 48% - Trump Trump -5%
 Liberals: 11% - Romney 6% - Trump Trump -5%

Moderates: 41% - Romney 30% - Trump Trump -11%

Conservatives: 82% - Romney 75% - Trump Trump -7%

Democrats: 7% - Romney 3% - Trump Trump -4%

Independents: 50% - Romney 49% - Trump Trump -1%

Republicans: 93% - Romney 89% - Trump Trump -4%

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